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Personal Leadership Course
Learning to Connect with the Heart
Is this you?

Have you been searching for something, but you can't seem to name it?


Do you feel lonely, isolated, and fairly unhappy in your relationships?


Are there feelings of boredom, apathy, and unfortunately, stress?


You're not the only one.


If you look around, you'll see there is another pandemic in our world and it's called "disconnection". Many people are in deep disconnection. They may go through life acting as if things are pretty good (and for some they might be), or they may try connecting by attaching to things, but more than likely, whatever the behavior, it is because being busy or doing things helps to push off that every-present feeling of lack.


Yes, there is often an overall feeling of lack in many people's lives ... lack of meaning, lack of a sense of contribution, lack of confidence, clarity, peace, self-love. But how do you go about filling this void?


That's where the Personal Leadership course comes in. This course teaches you how to first connect with yourself so that you can connect with others.

Learning to Connect with the Heart

What if there was a way ...


  • to learn to connect with your own heart?


  • to feel connection with yourself and your loved ones?


  • to experience again joy, purpose and fulfillment?


  • to have clarity about who you are and where you'd like your life to go?


  • to find new levels of excitement and motivation, to participate in something bigger than yourself?


  • to love with your whole heart in openness and curiosity?


  • to be clear on how to make a difference in your life and your family's life?


If you are saying yes to these statements, you're in the right place.


The Personal Leadership course teaches 11 essential skills to move through the lack and void and find what you've been looking for. It's concrete, specific and tangible. It breaks down relational skills that are easy to understand and gives you a roadmap of how to increasingly move through fear, with love, in everything you do in your life.


How would you like to:


  • understand your own pain, and learn to move beyond it?

  • become aware of what is influencing and motivating upsetting feelings and habits?

  • move out of fear and into love?

  • have greater empathy for yourself and for others?

  • possess greater self-care, self-compassion, self-clarity?

Why Take This Course?

Our students say that this course brought them relief.  They've told us over and over that they now experience more joy, peace, love, and fulfillment in all aspects of their lives.


Learning how to identify and fulfill your unmet needs, brings a close to drama, chaos and stress. Your power grows because you know what to do. Your confidence grows because you learn who you are at a deep level, and no one can take that away from you any more. You become more and more clear the steps to take to move forward in your life.


Finally, you stop expecting others to fill you with love, because you come to see that it already resides and exists within you. Because you learn how to connect with your own heart you see the solutions that exist within. We're born with it.


Remember how free you were as a child, able to sing, dance, draw, and play without a care in the world. It didn't matter what anyone else thought of you because you knew what you were doing and why. Over 90% of students tell us how free they feel after taking the Personal Leadership course; that it positively affective their life.



Imagine what's possible for you.

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Who thrives in the
Personal Leadship course?


You, if you're saying Yes to any of these:


I feel fairly accomplished, but still feel like something's missing.


I'm yearning for meaningful connection and greater purpose in my life.


I'm seeking new ways for my daily actions to increasingly align with my deepest values and goals.


I honor my past, yet feel what used to serve me no longer does, and I'm ready for what's ways of being, new questions, new responses.


I've spent most of my life doing for others, and I love what I've done, but this pull inside of me to do something for me keeps getting stronger and stronger.


I know I'm being called in a direction, but I feel a lot of guilt in fulfilling my own needs.


I find myself looking for a new kind of freedom, one that encourages exploration, wonderment and curiosity, one that allows me to give of myself wholeheartedly.


I'm ready to connect with awareness, kindness, gratitude, compassion, and understanding ... beginning with myself.


I want to wake up excited and motivated to collaborate, innovate, and participate in something bigger than me and with my whole heart.


I'm looking for greater self-care, self-compassion and self-clarity in all aspects of my life.


 If you find yourself nodding yes, you're ready!


Still not sure?

If you are interested in this program and feeling like it's a good fit for you, but you haven't signed up yet, perhaps you are holding back for one of these reasons...​


  • Maybe you feel like you can't afford it. Investing in ourselves, our lives, is how we make our lives richer and more meaningful. We are often the last person that we spend our money on. This program will make everything in your life more pleasurable, more abundant, more rich and fulfilling.


  • Maybe you feel like you don’t have the time.  Finding more time is the one thing we all have in common, it’s the only thing that is the same no matter who you are, how much money you make, etc.  So how can you make this decision when feel so busy?  Simply put … focus.  Where are you spending your energy?  Are you truly being productive, or are you just busy?


  • So maybe you’re still thinking about it, and that’s fine.  I know that this program is not for everyone.  Not everyone is ready to embrace new information, and I get that.  And to be perfectly honest, if you're not ready then I hope you can make that distinction inside of yourself and have a “Clear No”.  If you know you're ready for an exciting new way of being, a way of handling life so that you are fulfilled in every aspect, yes, every aspect, then I’m thrilled for you to have an “Clear Yes!” because you know what you want.  But, if you're on the fence, if you're not sure, if you're confused about something or don’t have all of the information you need, then you are the person I’m wanting to reach right now.  I want you to do whatever you want, but if you are not a Clear No, or a Clear Yes, then what information do you need in order for you to make your decision?


  • If there is some information that you need, please reach out and we'll schedule a call to help clear up whatever questions or confusion you may have.


Breakdown and Skills
  • Experiential learning from a curriculum of engaging tools, information, small group activities, large group sharing and takeaways.


  • Developing essential skills such as shifting thought(beliefs), intentional connection, creating loving boundaries, self-discovery that give you clarity.


  • Ever-increasing growth of life-affirming skills such as moral courage, love-in-action, authenticity, integrity, honesty to grow your confidence.


  • Mastering the messages of your emotions through step-by-step understanding and compassion for yourself.


  • Living from a higher state of awareness and shifting into new perspectives which better serve you.


  • Practicing how to lead with your heart by implementing the 4-step compassionate communication process.


  • Acquiring skilled personal and professional transformation.


  • Experiencing "What's next"? as a delicious inquiry into deeper levels of self-love, self-knowing, and discovering your own best answers.



And practicing these life-enriching, personal leadership skills,

you will naturally experience a profound sense

of well-being and freedom.


Essential Skills you will learn:

  • Moral Courage

  • Moving From Fear-to-Love

  • Shifting Beliefs

  • Nonviolent Communication

  • Boundary-Setting

  • After Action Review (AAR’s) and Short Term Improvement Goal (STIG’s)

  • Self-Sustaining Leadership® Model 

    • Leader Profile:

    • Operating Beliefs

    • Personality Type

    • Values

    • Personal Philosophy and Spirituality

    • Character Traits

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Think about how much  more fulfilling your life will be after going through this course.
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